Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh Puke!

One month ago both of my little girls got the stomach flu. My 8 month old Lily was the first victim. She woke up more mellow than usual and was just sitting on the floor instead
of her usual crawling all over the place. Then she threw up. Now it is normal for babies to spit up, but this was full out throwing up. I went to my modern essentials book and saw that the recommendations for throwing up were Peppermint and ginger. I did not have ginger at the time, but knew that the blend Digestzen did, so that what I used. I rubbed Peppermint and Digestzen on the bottoms of her feet and Digestzen on her tummy. She did not throw up again. I was amazed and so thankful! Two days later my toddler Adalynn was having a hard night and was crying in her room. Around midnight I went into her room and could tell that she had been throwing up and it was everywhere because she had been moving all around (The joys of motherhood!). I got the same oils that I had used on Lily and did the same thing again: bottoms of feet and stomach. Adalynn was sicker than Lily had been and it took about 3 hours for her to stop throwing up, but I just kept rubbing the oils on. Three hours was wonderful to me because the last time Adalynn had the flu she threw up every 20 minutes for hours to the point where she had thrown up over 30 times and it was terrible. As a mom it was great to be able to help her so quickly and I only wish I had known about the oils the first time. I also diffused a third oil around the clock: OnGuard which is one of my favorites. It has the power to kill all airborne bacteria and VIRUSES.

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