Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh vetiver, I sure do love you!!!!

My two year old Adalynn is a very busy and energetic girl to say the least. She also has an extremely stubborn personality. There have been many nights that it has taken HOURS to get her to go to sleep. She would throw huge tantrums that would involve a lot of kicking, screaming, hitting etc. The most common oil recommended for calming is Lavender and it worked great for my baby, but Adalynn? No! It didn't even seem to phase her at all. So I was on a quest to find something that would work for her. Somebody finally suggested that I try Vetiver. I had never heard of that before, but I bought it. It has a very woodsy and earthy smell. The first time I used it was a Sunday night and Adalynn had gone to sleep good because she had not had a nap that day, but she woke up screaming. We now know that she was having a night terror because she was overly tired, but at the time we had no idea. We would try to comfort her, but that only seemed to make it worse. This was worse than any tantrum she had ever had. She just kept screaming like she didn't know who we were or where she was. I was crying at this point because she seemed terrified of us and I didn't know what to do to help comfort her and calm her down. After an hour I finally remembered that I had the oils (Duh!). We rubbed some Vetiver on the bottoms of her feet and along her spine. And this is when I fell in love with Vetiver. Within a minute we finally saw Adalynn relax and she stopped screaming. She went and climbed on the couch and fell asleep and we were able to take her back to bed. It is now a regular routine to rub Vetiver on her feet and back and Adalynn loves to put some on her finger and rub it on her belly. No, the Vetiver doesn't always work as well as it did that night. She is still a two year old who hates going to bed and is still as stubborn as ever, but her tantrums are NOTHING like they used to be. (Note to anybody who tries this oil: It is very thick like syrup so you would need to take the stopper at the top off or it won't come out).

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