Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This last summer we had an ant problem. Every morning we would wake up to 20-30 ants crawling around on our kitchen floor. I tried and tried to figure out where they were coming from, but had no luck. I also set up little ant traps around the kitchen and did not have any success there either. They just kept coming. Now I usually look in my "Modern Essentials" book to figure out which oils to use and I know that they do have an oil for bugs, but I found my solution on my own. I was sick at the time and had a really bad sore throat so every few hours I would put a drop of Onguard on my tongue. It was in the middle of the night and because I was half awake I dropped the bottle on my kitchen floor right where the ants usually were and the bottle broke spilling the Onguard everywhere. After a few days I noticed that the ants had stopped showing up and I have not seen a single ant since then! I definitely wouldn't recommend breaking a bottle to get rid of a bug problem, but what I thought was really cool about this is I went into doTERRA's corporate office here in Orem, Utah and told them what happened and they gave me a whole new bottle of Onguard for free!

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